“Sponsored Links”. These links are Adsense.
How Adsense Works?
Google Adsense = Website+ Good Content+ Online Traffic= $$$$.
Don’t worry. We’ll explain everything in detail. So you can easily start your
Adsense Job.
You’ll need an website, You can get it from Blogger.com, You’ll get your website 100%
To make your website. Simply follow these steps.
Open Blogger.com
Then Click on “Sign up” or “Create an Blog”.
Enter your Email id, Password, Display name( your name), Enter Image verification
code. And Click Next or Continue.
Now select your template, You can choose any template.
And then continue.
Your Blogger will be Ready. Click on make an post or click on post.
Now this is the Most important part, Adding Content. You’ll need to write and Good
post about any topics. Which are listed here.
Making money online
Credit Card
Data Entry
Typing Jobs
Work at Home
You can also select any topic, which is better for you. If you don’t have any idea.
Then you can choose more topics from http://articlerich.com
You’ll find many articles in Articlerich.com. You can copy any article and paste it
into your Blog.
Now click on “Publish Post” to submit your post. You can also click on preview to take
an look of your posts.
You’ll also get an confirmation email from Google to verify your Blogger account. Simply
click on that link to confirm your blogger account.
Your blogger user name will be also your Blogspot address. When you click on publish
post, Then you’ll see an option like “Open in new window”. Click on that to get your
Website’s Address.
After clicking on that, you’ll see your Website. Simply write down the address of
your Website.
It will seems like that– http://xxxx.blogspot.com (it’s only an example).
So, You’ll get your Website. And if you have any problem, Then please check all the
steps from beginning.
How to apply for Google Adsense?
To apply for adsense open Blogger.com again and login with your email id and
password, which you used for making an blog. Now you’ll in the member area of
Blogger. You’ll see some option like– Edit Posts, Settings, Layout, View Blog etc.
Click on “Layout”. And you’ll see an page. Add and arrange page elements.
Click on “Add a Gadget” or “add an page
An pop up window will open. You’ll see many links in that window. You’ll see an Link
“Adsense”. Click on that. You’ll see an option like create an new adsense account.
Enter your Email id and language. And continue. You’ll also need to select ad format,
Select ad format 160x600. And continue.
Then you’ll need to confirm your Adsense account. Open your Email id and you’ll see
an Confirmation Email from Google. Click on that and you’ll see a new page. Fill your
Payee name, Address, phone no & if you’ll see URL field, Then simply enter your
Website or Blogger’s address. Now Your application has been submitted for review. It’s
means that you’ve successfully created an Adsense Account. Now within 5-6 days
maximum, You’ll get an welcome Email from Google. To let you know that your account
has been approved.
If you received any email like your account has not been approved, Then please
check your blog posts. And write new fresh posts or make an Blog. To make an blog
again, Simply follow the Blog making steps from Beginning.
After getting Approval Email from Google. You’ll need to check your Blog to see that
ads are showing in your Blog or not. If you ads are showing correctly then your Adsense
money making website is ready. To check adsense ads, You’ll see a little message like
“Ads by Google” at the bottom of the Ads.
Now you’ll need to promote your website to get traffic to your website. When people
comes to your Website and click on the ads, You’ll get an amount from$0.50- $30
or more.
Always Remember– Don’t Click on your Own ads or Your account will be banned. And
you’ll never earn any money. So please don’t click on your own ads and don’t ask
anyone to click on them.
To check your Adsense account’s Earning, simply open–http://google.com/adsense and
enter your Email id and password, When you open your account first time, You’ll see
TOS and Policy of Google Adsense. Select all the TOS and continue.
How to make Money with Google Adsense?
You’ll need to promote your website in free classifieds to get traffic( Peoples, who’ll see
your website and click on your ads). When you’ll see your Adsense Report, You’ll see
these options-:
Page impression= Number of peoples, who visited your website or blog.
CTR= Click through ration, Percentage of the peoples and clicks. Suppose that 100
peoples visit your website and only 30 peoples click on your ads. Then your Page
Impression will be 100 and Clicks will be 30 and CTR will be 30%. And you’ll also your
Earnings. You can check your all time earning anytime.
Here is the list of some Good and free classified websites.
Kijiji.in, vivastreet.com, adeex.in, olx.com and you can also get thousands of websites
from Google and Yahoo.
To get more classifieds websites from search engine like Google and yahoo, Simply
Type “Free Classified” and you’ll get many free classifieds websites.
To post ads in free classifieds websites, Simply click on Post an ad and you’ll see many
categories. Choose the category, which will be match to your website.
Suppose that your blog is related to “Computer” then post your ads in the Computer
The more ads you’ll post, The more money you’ll make!
Some Useful Tips & Free Bonus
Don’t click on your own ads and never ask anyone to click on them directly.
You can post ads like– Free computer information. Visit–
www.example.blogspot.com( It’s only a example, You can post ads like that).
You can make as much blogs as you like.
We have also added Free Extra Money Making Adsense Bonus for you. It will cost
Rs.2000. But, Just for you 100% Free. You’ll need Acrobat Reader to read these books.
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