Saturday, September 17, 2011

Five Google Adsense Secrets To Increase Your Revenue!

Google Adsense is one of the top ways for people to make money online today. However, there are thousands that come out with nothing to show for their hard work. Luckily, there are some secrets that can help you earn more from the effort you are putting in. 

Here are 5 Google Adsense secrets to increase your revenue. 

1. Ads above the fold 

The best way to make sure every person that visits your site sees your ads is to keep them above the fold. Many people that visit your site do not make it through the entire site before exiting. By placing your ads toward the top of your home page, for more details visit to it is guaranteed that everyone will see your ads. This will drastically increase the number of clicks you get and the income you earn. 

2. Cut down clutter 

Some people believe that the more banners and flashing images they have on their website, the more appealing it will be to visitors. While you do not want an overly dull website, for more details visit to having too much will only clutter your website. It will also take away the focus from your ads and cause many to overlook your ads altogether. 

3. Blend ads with background 

It is a proven fact that more people are enticed by ads that look as if you created them. When the font and color look the same as that of the rest of your site, it looks less like an ad and more of something that you created. 

4. Focus on a niche 

Generally speaking, you want to place Google Adsense ads that are relevant to the theme of your site. There is no sense in putting a gardening ad on an entertainment website because it will receive very few clicks. By placing ads that are related to your site, you will increase the number of clicks you receive and drastically increase your income. 

5. Generate traffic 

While everything mentioned thus far is important, they all are nothing if you do not receive traffic. The only way to receive clicks is if people are coming to your site. Once you have people coming to your site, then you can practice the tips listed above. Until then, focus on generating traffic to your site. 

Google Adsense can be an extremely effective method for earning cash on the internet. Whether you are brand new to the concept or have tried and failed in the past, taking these secrets and applying them will drastically increase the revenue that you earn.

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